Company Location
Airborne Honey Ltd is located at Leeston, approx. 45 km South West of Christchurch.

Leeston 172°17'42" East 43°45'36" South
Directions From Christchurch to Leeston
- approx. 35-40 minutes by car
Travel South on either Blenheim road or Riccarton/Main South road to the large traffic roundabout at Sockburn (7 km SW of city centre). Travel 800 metres going South on the Main South Road, over the rail overpass bridge, past Wigram airport on your left (aircraft mounted on pedestal). Approx 100 metres past Wigram take the major intersection at the traffic lights to your left. This is signposted (an overhead sign) to "Leeston". Zero your trip meter.
- Travel on this road (Springs Road) and:
- At 2.5 km pass directly through a roundabout (Halswell Junction Road).
- At 4.6 km pass through a small town (Prebbleton).
- At 12.6 km at roundabout at Lincoln University turn right towards Springston 3.6 km away.
- At 16.3 km (Springston) turn left (signposted to Leeston). Follow this road to Leeston 17 km - 10 minutes away.
On the way you will cross the Selwyn river, pass through a small village (Irwell) and a small town (Doyleston, about 2 km from Leeston). At Leeston, see instructions below.
From Christchurch Airport to Leeston - approx 35 minutes
One kilometre from the Airport passenger terminal (not the small one next to the end of the carpark) there is a large traffic roundabout. Turn right at this roundabout into Russley Road and zero your trip meter. Travel on this road without changing major direction. You will pass through:
- At 3.2 km, traffic lights (Yaldhurst Road) around here the road you are traveling on changes to Carmen Road.
- At 4.6 km, traffic lights (Buchannans Road)
- At 5.5 km traffic lights (Waterloo Road)
- At 5.8 km railway line
- At 6 km traffic lights (Main South Road)
- At 6.25 km traffic lights (minor road - veer slightly right)
- At 7.2 km traffic lights (Halswell Junction Road) From here you will be traveling on Shands Road. This road terminates on the road between Lincoln and Springston 12 km from last traffic lights.
- At 12.8 km veer left.
On the way you will cross the Selwyn river, pass through a small village (Irwell) and a small town (Doyleston, about 2 km from Leeston).
At Leeston - (see map at right)
Take the 2nd turn right into Cunningham St. (approx 200 metres from 50 km/hr speed restriction sign).
Take the 2nd Turn Left into Pennington St. Airborne Honey is 100 metres on your right.

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